Sunday, November 28, 2010

my gift

2010 has been an absolutely amazing year for our family and my photography business!  i have been absolutely astounded by the support i've recieved from all of you and i am inspired. 

as many of you know, and maybe many don't know, i am a social worker.  for years i worked with young families who were struggling to make ends meet.  i became quite knowledgable about the resources in our community, and even took over editing and producing the kamloops community meal list that was widely distributed around town.  my boss considered me a human phone book and i even had other local agencies calling me to ask about other resources in town.

since leaving my job when i went on maternity leave (three and a half years ago), i have missed having the opportunity to help others.  after watching the movie pay it forward tonight on tv with my son, i realized that there is something i can still give, even though my job description has changed.

i wish i could give away a car to a newspaper reporter whose car has just been totalled... 
i wish i could help talk a distraught woman off of a bridge...
i wish i could help make someone fall in love...

... but i'm not a little boy in a movie, trying to change the world.

i am a mom, and a photographer who deeply cherishes every one of my photos.  every moment in my children's lives has been documented and cherished.  i am also a social worker who realizes that when money is tight, spending money on photos is something that just doesn't even enter your mind.  i want to help someone save a few of those precious, fleeting moments.

so here is my gift.  the one thing that, at this point in my life, i can offer.  my time.

i would like to offer a free family photo session.  this session will be in my studio or in the family's home (local only), and will be of the immediate family.  pets are always welcome to be involved in my sessions!

As computer access and money for printing are often lacking, this photo session will also include a custom photobook, one 8x10 print and 2 5x7 prints.

so here's the deal.  i would like to open this up to anyone (in kamloops or surrounding area) who feels they, or someone they know, fits the description of the family above.  please email me a short paragraph on the family (i don't need every detail, just why you think they are deserving and their contact information), and their name will be entered.  as a social worker, i know the importance of confidentiality.  please make sure that you have permission from the family before you send anything to me.

a few other notes that i should include;
 *i will not be posting images from this session.  if the family feels that they would like to, and have the ability
   to, they are welcome.
 *this is not a contest. it is a gift from the heart that i would like to share with someone.
 *please email questions and submissions to cbphoto at shaw dot ca with "paying it forward" in the subject
  line (to help me keep emails straight!).
 *i will accept submissions from now until december 4th.  i will then take it to to determine the
 *i would like to hold the session the following weekend, december 11th preferrably, so that edits can be
  finished and prints can be made for the family before christmas.  the album will be presented in the new

please feel free to share this link with others and pass the information along.  the more people involved the better :)

thank you again to everyone for your love and support this year.  you are amazing!


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