Monday, March 29, 2010

Black & white at iheartfaces!

This week at iheartfaces the theme is dramatic black and white. 

My son's hockey team this year was amazing!  They played hard, accepted losses gracefully and celebrated wins whole-heartedly. 

This picture was taken a second after the puck flew past the sea of bodies, sticks, skates and the goalie.  This isn't my son scoring (I don't think J was even on the ice at the time), but the thrill this guy had at scoring was shared by the entire team. 

This isn't the best picture, I could go on and on with all the things that I think could have made it better, but the joy and excitement on this guys' face just makes the photo!  :)

Head over to iheartfaces to see more beautiful black and whites!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Project 52 - Week 12

All the tiny moments in our lives go past so quickly and sometimes get completely lost and forgotten.  In a moment of quiet last week, I peeked into the living room to see what J was doing and came across this scene.  So nice to see and something I definately didn't want to forget anytime soon!

Project 52 - Week 11

It's been a busy last couple of weeks so I'm a little behind!

When J was tiny, this blanket was given to us by my great Aunt. 

Her sister had made it by hand and passed it on to us... we love it! 

The detail, the colors and the thought that went into it are wonderful and we are so grateful for handmade gifts :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Bundled Up" @ iheartfaces

This week's theme at iheartfaces is an appropriate one for the weather around here... we were enjoying spring-like weather and all of a sudden... BOOM!  Winter hit again with a vengance!

This session had been timed absolutely perfectly, although we had no idea at the time! It had been cold and foggy and made the perfect frost on all of the trees in our yard. 

We hadn't planned on going outdoors for pictures, and it was close to dusk by the time we decided to do it but we couldn't resist the beauty of all that white stuff!  We bundled up and headed outdoors for some fun, I even convinced her to make a snow angel for me!

Leave it to me to not notice until editing pictures afterwards that my dear son had left camoflouge netting in the tree during the summer!  Oh well, it was a good laugh afterwards and makes some interesting texture in the background.  Also, this lovely lady is an elementary school teacher, and a long time friend of our family, so she had a good laugh about it with me!

Head over to iheart faces for more bundles of fun!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday morning...

Spring break was fun. 

It was nice that the kids got to sleep in every day. 
I didn't, I had a baby with an internal alarm clock that goes off at 6:45 nearly every morning. 

It was nice that they got to play all day. 
I didn't, I got to clean up after more children than usual.

Back to school is even better than spring break!

I'm enjoying my coffee, hoping to win big as we have in previous years,
and catching up on reading all of those wonderful blogs I follow.

Welcome Monday!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Project 52 - Week 10

Last weekend the kids and I got to go out to H's friends' farm... it's calving time, there were baby lambs and lots of mud!

What's not to love about spring?!

This calf was less than two hours old, as it hadn't been tagged yet and the mom still hadn't lost the placenta...  WOW!  It's amazing the miracles that become ordinary when you live on a farm!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jumping for Joy at iheartfaces!

The title of this weeks' photo challenge over at iheartfaces is "Jump for Joy"...

Over the winter the netting is put away and the trampoline is off limits but springtime means warmer weather and many, many hours spent together on the tramp!  When I asked the kids to help me with this weeks' assignment, the first thing out of their mouths was "Can Dad set up the trampoline???" 

In celebration of warmer weather, siblings, fun, love, freedom and the beginning of their school spring break,
H. and J. are "Jumping for Joy"!

Jump over to iheart faces to join in the fun!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Project 52 - Week 9

I wish there was a way to preserve the sound of little bare feet padding along the tile floor;
her cuddly-ness while she snuggles her t-shirt blankies;
her grin while studying me through the bottom of her sippy cup of pink milk;
the crinkling noise of a diaper newly changed;
her sweet voice calling "MAMA", "DADA", "MELMO", "BRUBER" and "NANA";
her little hands as they sign her needs and desires to us;
and the smell of her little curls fresh from the bath...

They're only 20 months old for such a short time!

Project 52 - Week 8

After being 11 for more than two months already, last weekend our boy finally got the opportunity to celebrate his birthday with his friends!

We had a great time at the pool, and he was excited to have won a cake at his schools' spaghetti dinner cake-walk the week before (we froze it and brought it back out for the party... I was happy to not have to bake one myself! lol).  You should have seen the kids' eyes light up when we brought out that candy-laden treat!

Happy Birthday, dear J!