Thursday, November 10, 2011

connections | kamloops mom and tot photography

being a mom to three beautiful children, and watching how fast they grow and change over the years, i have learned to treasure every single stage, smile and laugh. 

when approached by a friend and fellow momma about possibly doing nursing sessions, i thought it was an absolutely amazing idea, as it was something that i treasured with my own children and never really captured on film (at least not in a way i'd like to show off to anyone!). 

while contemplating this idea, i realized that by focusing on just nursing it would leave out those that can't or choose not to nurse their children... and i didn't want that.  what i picture are sessions with mom and babe that are not necessarily all nursing or feeding, but are more about showing the special connection that mommas and their babies have together. 

i will be offering these wonderful $100 mini sessions as a part of my regular list of sessions.  they will be available year round, and can be held outdoors if weather permits, or in the comfort of your own home within kamloops. 

sessions will include an initial phone interview and an emailed questionnaire to get to know you and your little one better, followed by a fun and relaxing half hour to interact and play with your babe while being photographed.  our focus will be on documenting the connection and love between the two of you... not posing for the camera ;)

within about a week after our session, you can expect 10 professionally edited images in both color and black and white to choose from in a private online gallery.  you will recieve all the images in a bound proof book, and will have your choice of image for a beautiful 11x14 mounted print. 

please contact Carrie to book your session and capture these sweet moments with your little one before they are gone!

the fine print: although i desperately love showing off the beautiful families that i photograph, i completely understand the desire to not have pictures published online and will respect your wishes, just say the word!

the c-f family | kamloops family photography

this is another family that i tend to see once a year.  i was thrilled to see them again and am happily looking forward to their wedding in the spring!  their little guy is absolutely adorable and i had tons of fun trying to capture him for shots between his giggles and explorations of the studio ;)

the s-b family | kamloops family photography

this family was the winner of a giveaway i did at the beginning of the year, but because of illness, scheduling and many other life complications, we just weren't able to make it happen until now.  i was thrilled to finally meet you guys, and congratulations and happy birthday to your dear sweet little one year old!

the k family | kamloops family photography

another wonderful family battled against the wind for their family photos... kamloops really is quite a windy city in the fall!

the w family | kamloops family photography

this wonderful lady taught rhyme time to my youngest and we've fast become friends.  she is just the warmest soul you'll ever meet and her family is exactly as i'd expected them to be... amazing.

it was windy, but that horrible wind made for some amazing clouds in the sky and the fall colours have been so inspiring to me!  i was so glad that the family brought their two dogs along as well... after losing my own i know how important a pet is to a family and encourage everyone if they can to include their pet in at least a few of the family photos every year! 

little man c | kamloops child photography

i can remember hearing the news on the day this little guy was born, and have heard many tales as he's grown up.  they are most always funny, though some have been painful even to imagine! 

he has a pirate ship in his backyard that his parents lovingly (and creatively) built him, with a home-made treasure chest to go with it courtesy of my dad. 

i was so thrilled that his mom called me and asked if i'd like to be the official "paparazzi" for c for the yearly scrapbook!

although this shoot was supposed to be about c, i couldn't resist the perfect light as he hugged his mom.  pretty sure this is one of my favourite images to date, those soft, happy smiles on both of their faces is just priceless!

the b family | kamloops family photography

i was thrilled to get an email from this momma asking if i still had openings for fall family sessions.  i hadn't seen them since last year around this time so was very excited to see little "b" again and see how he'd grown!

he's just as adorable as I remembered, and look at those amazing lashes!