Friday, November 26, 2010

fix it friday

inspired by a question about photo editing by my cousin, i decided that it was time to let loose on a few secrets... shhhhh!  it's not all about the camera, sometimes crap comes out of that black little box in your hands and knowing how to fix it to get what you were looking for is priceless!

this image was from one of my recent mini sessions.  i'd wanted a winter bathtub scene, but forgot my metal bathtub outside. in the snow.  ok, so back to the drawing board.  we still had cute baby, bath towels and christmas duckies... let's go for it anyways.

totally forgot ages and stages. hehe.  little j wasn't quite able to sit up by himself yet!

with spiderman bean bag chair propped behind him, we got j sitting just long enough to snap this between lauches to grab him before he toppled (please don't be alarmed, mom was sitting just off camera but being the mother that i am, i was launching myself to catch him too!)

the end result of this laughable set up was a not-so-perfect image.  i had backdrop and unwanted props in the picture, the exposure wasn't right and all of my lovely bath bubbles were turned wrong and off screen.

photoshop cs5 how i love thee!

after opening my RAW image in photoshop, the cloning tool made light work of fixing up the backdrop problem and props that didn't belong, adjusting levels helped black out the backdrop completely and lighten little j perfectly.  i always touch up the eyes for clarity, i find it just makes the picture!  i darkened the handles on the bubbles that were showing then used the lasso tool to select just a couple of the bubbles.  i then copied and pasted them to other spots, which helped make just enough to complete my image.

good luck with your photo shoot on saturday cousin p, you will be great! 

if anyone following this has tips or tricks, i'd love to hear them.  what would you have done differently?

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