Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the end of another dance season {kamloops & area dance photographer}


“The dance is over, the applause subsided, but the joy and feeling will stay with you forever.”

- W. M. Tory

The final dance recital of the season signifies the end of another year of learning and growth for a dancer.  It is absolutely amazing to watch performers up on stage as tiny as 2 years old in front of audiences of hundreds of people, dancing and showing their new skills to the world! 

This weekend was the wrap up for the studio that my girls dance at and I wanted to take a minute to talk to all of you out there who may be reading this. 

This is for you dancers who may have performed with your schools already, and for those just waiting for their show weekend to begin.

This is for the teachers and parents who put their hearts and souls into teaching, training and raising these young dancers over the course of a year, and who live through a lot in the weeks leading up to show... frayed nerves, make-up and dress rehearsals, hair nets, take-out pizza for supper (again), glitter, forgotten shoes, quickly waved hellos and goodbyes to your spouse/friends/kids, and costumes that never show up. 

Show season is a glittery type of hell for all involved. 

It is short lived. 

And it is all so worth it.

I have heard many stories of older dancers running backstage in tears after missing a turn or a lift or a step.  Parents, give these kids a huge hug and tell them they are superstars!  I know as a person with two left feet (proof to this statement was made this weekend as I slipped down the cement stairs outside the Sagebrush Theatre and broke my big toe!) that I am not alone in my admiration of the skill of even the youngest little stars on stage.  Mistakes on stage are not often noticed by your audience, and when they are I know I am not alone when I feel my heart break for you a little because I know how hard you will most likely be on yourself afterwards. 

So in the end, this long winded blog post was really to tell you dancers that you are loved for your ability to put yourselves out there and perform for us.  You go to dance schools to learn how to dance...  Until you are employed with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet or the National Ballet of Canada, you are not expected to be perfect!  Practice lots and learn from your mistakes!  Also remember that there are many little dancers looking up at you and they need to see your love for self and dance.

Love to you all and lots of hugs... (now I'm going to go ice my toe ;)

P.S. Can anyone help me come up with a more exciting excuse for a broken toe?  You know... skydiving accident maybe?

 Don't forget to like Classic Blue Photography on Facebook!

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