Sunday, October 16, 2011

saying goodbye | Classic Blue Photography | kamloops pet photography

Eight and a half years ago we began a new journey as a family when we adopted a little black fur-ball and added to our wonderful family of four. She was a black Lab/Newfie cross and had been called "Rollie" by the SPCA... but my children decided that Blue would be a better name for her, as they were lovers of Blue's Clues.  My husband thought that it was a great name too, as it is a beer name ;)

Blue grew with our family, as we added a cat and eventually another child.  She loved playing with the cats (both Molson 2004-2008 who went missing, and Rockstar, our current kitty that we got for Christmas 2008).  She rough-housed with the cats, entertaining our guests as she held the cats' head in her mouth and the cat grabbed onto her back legs and started gnawing on them.

Many years ago, while out on a walk, we came across a soother that had been lost by an unfortunate child.  Blue picked that thing up in her mouth, brought it over to us and got tons of pets.  That was when her nickname "Baby Blue" was created.  We brought the soother home and though she didn't walk around with it in her mouth, she would often go find it and bring it to us when she was looking for attention.

Yesterday, we had to say goodbye to our beautiful baby girl.  It feels like it was much too soon, but we know she is not hurting anymore and enjoying her days in the warm sunshine...chasing her friend Molson, swimming in the lake and rolling in the occasional cow pie.

We love you and miss you so much already baby girl!


  1. So sorry to hear that. It is very hard to lose a pet.

  2. A beautiful tribute Carrie...I am so, so sorry.
