Tuesday, December 7, 2010

picture the holidays {catching up}

at the beginning of the month i began a course called "picture the holidays".  it is very much a group class and although we spend a lot of time communicating with the other online participants, and posting our work on the community gallery, i wanted to share my work with everyone reading this.  as i only have three subscribers, i hope all three of you enjoy ;)

for this course we are sent a daily inspirational email, call it an assignment if you'd like.  i am going to try to blog as we go, but as we're 7 days into the class already, i will just blog once to update on all the assignments so far!

day 1 - holding onto gratitude

~i am grateful that we have enough.~

‎...in this case, enough diapers for my toddler to play in ;)

day 2 - reframing the season

~this is what CHRISTMAS means to me. family. friends. those i love.~

day 3 - all you need is love

~i love my children so so so much!~

day 4 - you hold the key

~my favourite mug, a hot coffee, a cold day. my key to sanity ;) ~

day 5 - the view from here

~today's challenge was to enjoy mother nature and photograph the land we live in... but that landscape held no interest to me at all today. My attention was pulled back in through that window as 30 years of tradition, and three generations, gathered around a kitchen table to lovingly decorate home-made gingerbread houses.~

day 6 - every little thing

day 7 - express yourself

~today's assignment was to evaluate ourselves. how are we feeling at this moment? i looked at myself. i looked at my calendar. where is december running off to?~

1 comment:

  1. Wow Carrie,these are such great photos and really capture your mood and feelings. You are so talented!!!
    LOts love to you and the family for the holidays!!
