Saturday, August 10, 2013

musings on photography and the art of learning {Kamloops, BC child photographer}

As long as I have been in this business, I find that there is always something new to learn. 

Things that I am just learning now are surely not new to the world of photography.  That world has been emerging and evolving for centuries with the discoveries of concepts like exposure and light, and the inventions and evolution of cameras over the years.

Each step that I take towards learning something new in my art makes my heart sing and I hope that singing is translated into my art.  The images in this post are unedited, definitely imperfect, and are my first attempt at a new way to photograph the world that makes my heart soar.

I hope you enjoy these moments with my youngest daughter.  A peaceful morning, beautiful light, perfect subject, light heart.

Tell me about something new that you have learned lately.  It doesn't have to be photography related, but if it is please share a link... I'd love to learn from you!

xoxo carrie