Saturday, August 10, 2013

musings on photography and the art of learning {Kamloops, BC child photographer}

As long as I have been in this business, I find that there is always something new to learn. 

Things that I am just learning now are surely not new to the world of photography.  That world has been emerging and evolving for centuries with the discoveries of concepts like exposure and light, and the inventions and evolution of cameras over the years.

Each step that I take towards learning something new in my art makes my heart sing and I hope that singing is translated into my art.  The images in this post are unedited, definitely imperfect, and are my first attempt at a new way to photograph the world that makes my heart soar.

I hope you enjoy these moments with my youngest daughter.  A peaceful morning, beautiful light, perfect subject, light heart.

Tell me about something new that you have learned lately.  It doesn't have to be photography related, but if it is please share a link... I'd love to learn from you!

xoxo carrie

Monday, July 22, 2013

Daisies {a themed photo session by Classic Blue Photography in Kamloops, British Columbia}

See, the grass is full of stars, 
Fallen in their brightness; 
Hearts they have of shining gold, 
Rays of shining whiteness. 

Buttercups have honeyed hearts,
Bees they love the clover,
But I love the daisies' dance
All the meadow over.

Blow, O blow, you happy winds,
Singing summer's praises,
Up the field and down the field
A-dancing with the daisies.

Poem: Daisy Time by Marjorie Pickthall

If you love my photos please feel free to share this blog post with your friends... and I am a HUGE fan of Pinterest, so pin away!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Callie in the lilacs {Kamloops baby photographer}

Sweet doesn't even begin to describe this adorable little one!  Thanks for coming to play in the lilacs with me, Callie!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lilac Babies {Kamloops baby photography}

Working on projects with themes is a love of mine, from dance to flowers... I even have some fun little boys' session in the planning stages that I can't wait to eventually share with you all! 

I've discovered that working with live flowers can be tricky.  For this session I knew I had to book it immediately because the lilacs were in their final stages of blooming and I didn't know how much longer they'd keep looking nice on our trees.  I did a test run of their fresh-cut-flower-headbands on Friday night so I knew how long they would keep looking nice for our photos and how early I could create them for the girls.  I wish there was a way to share the amazing lilac smell in my studio after this session!  

Thank you so much to these two special little girls and their families for helping my vision become a reality! Oh, and gray and purple may be just be my new favourite color combination.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

the end of another dance season {kamloops & area dance photographer}


“The dance is over, the applause subsided, but the joy and feeling will stay with you forever.”

- W. M. Tory

The final dance recital of the season signifies the end of another year of learning and growth for a dancer.  It is absolutely amazing to watch performers up on stage as tiny as 2 years old in front of audiences of hundreds of people, dancing and showing their new skills to the world! 

This weekend was the wrap up for the studio that my girls dance at and I wanted to take a minute to talk to all of you out there who may be reading this. 

This is for you dancers who may have performed with your schools already, and for those just waiting for their show weekend to begin.

This is for the teachers and parents who put their hearts and souls into teaching, training and raising these young dancers over the course of a year, and who live through a lot in the weeks leading up to show... frayed nerves, make-up and dress rehearsals, hair nets, take-out pizza for supper (again), glitter, forgotten shoes, quickly waved hellos and goodbyes to your spouse/friends/kids, and costumes that never show up. 

Show season is a glittery type of hell for all involved. 

It is short lived. 

And it is all so worth it.

I have heard many stories of older dancers running backstage in tears after missing a turn or a lift or a step.  Parents, give these kids a huge hug and tell them they are superstars!  I know as a person with two left feet (proof to this statement was made this weekend as I slipped down the cement stairs outside the Sagebrush Theatre and broke my big toe!) that I am not alone in my admiration of the skill of even the youngest little stars on stage.  Mistakes on stage are not often noticed by your audience, and when they are I know I am not alone when I feel my heart break for you a little because I know how hard you will most likely be on yourself afterwards. 

So in the end, this long winded blog post was really to tell you dancers that you are loved for your ability to put yourselves out there and perform for us.  You go to dance schools to learn how to dance...  Until you are employed with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet or the National Ballet of Canada, you are not expected to be perfect!  Practice lots and learn from your mistakes!  Also remember that there are many little dancers looking up at you and they need to see your love for self and dance.

Love to you all and lots of hugs... (now I'm going to go ice my toe ;)

P.S. Can anyone help me come up with a more exciting excuse for a broken toe?  You know... skydiving accident maybe?

 Don't forget to like Classic Blue Photography on Facebook!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Celebrating the ocean {Kamloops dance photographer}

I'm drawn to the ocean.  Always have been. 

My children apparently share my love of the water... this is my oldest, dancing along the shores of Coronado Beach on our California trip.  One of my favourite memories from this trip was watching as she inspired dancers and gymnasts up and down the beach to try to get their own fun ocean shots.

Once I get caught up on life and work, I will blog more pictures from our trip.  I could have happily stayed forever!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Shay's ballerina dream

She's four years old and cute as a button! 

She'd just come from dance class and although she usually opts for "the sparklier the better" type outfits, she chose to wear all black for her pictures.  Quite honestly, she looks absolutely adorable in it! 

Thanks so much for coming to see me Shay, I had so much fun with you and loved photographing all your awesome pose ideas ;)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Subway Kamloops {commercial work by classic blue photography}

Last spring I was contacted by the owners of the local Subway stores to create images of all of their stores for display in their newly renovated head office.  I made multiple trips to each store to photograph them during the day, evening and at night so we could include a variety of looks to choose from.  After proofs were ready, we looked through them all and the clients decided on the night time shots in black and white.  After hearing how spectacular metal prints are, they decided to go with 16x20s in metal.

Summit Drive
Fortune Drive
Hillside Drive
McGill Road (A cozy fireplace and couches with wifi and laptop plug-ins make it my favourite to date!)
Tranquille Road
Oriole Road

Victoria Street
Aberdeen Mall

Metal prints are made using high-heat technology to fuse the image into aluminum metal.  They are waterproof, do not require frames, and are absolutely stunning to see in real life.  If you would like to see a metal sample, head down the Movements Dance and Active Wear at 103-125 4th Avenue in Kamloops and look for the 16x20 print of the little Ballerina Baby... or come have coffee with me some Monday evening and I can show you one!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Classic Newborns {Elias}

A little late posting, but just had to share! 

This is 11 day new Eli and his big brother, Ethan, who came to visit in January for pictures.  Ethan is SO good with his new little brother and Mom and Dad were positively bursting with love for their precious boys!

Mom came with plans and props for the adorable balloon picture, and I thought that a January baby needed to have some kind of reminder of his snowy winter arrival so I conspired with the amazing Lisa of Little Ladybugz to get a snowman hat for E!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Louise {Kamloops business portrait photographer}

I've had the privilege of photographing this lovely lady's adorable daughters for the NATURE DANCE project and was thrilled when she asked me to create some head shots for her to use for work.

If you're in the market for real estate, head over to her website

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reese's Ballerina Dreams

She's too young for dance classes yet, but she's sure got the moves down!

Such an adorable little dreamer...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Classic Babies {Callie}

I had the pleasure of meeting this little lady (and her mom and dad) after grandma contacted me about getting 3 month photo done.  She was the sweetest, most cuddly little thing ever and I was pleasantly surprised when she softly fell asleep during posing and gave us a few really sweet sleeping pictures!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jordyn's ballerina dreams {Kamloops family and dance photography}

"It's what I always wanted to do, to show the laughter, the fun, the joy of dance."  
~Martha Graham

Monday, March 4, 2013

Classic Newborns {Quinn}

Sweet, 7 day new Quinn lives just down the street from us and is the newest addition to a very busy household of three beautiful girls. 


I was thrilled to receive this picture shortly after delivering their gorgeous 20x30 metal print to them... it looks so lovely above her crib!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

ballerina dreams

When my oldest daughter was young, I wasn't doing photography yet on my own but wanted photos of her in her gorgeous tutu for year end show.  I took her to a big box store and got one of my favourite images of her growing up years.

When I had my second daughter (many years later), I knew that I would want a similar image of her.  Fortunately, I have the knowledge and equipment to create beautiful photographs myself now, so I set out to do just that.

I am thrilled with how they turned out and would like to offer this new set for others wanting to remember the sweet innocence of their children as they start their journeys in the world of dance.

Please contact info at classic blue dot ca for information on booking a "ballerina dreams" session or check the website next week for detailed information and the March special on our new pricing page.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Freebie Friday for dance lovers

I created this little calendar for myself and thought I'd share with anyone else who might be interested in downloading and using it on their desktop.  

I made it as a 1680x1050 for my screen and it worked well, but this is the first time I've done something like this so please leave a comment and let me know if it works well for you or not.

xoxo carrie

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

to dance, to dream

Dance has always been a dream of mine, but unfortunately I was born with two left feet and a life of dancing was not in my future (other than dancing along with toddlers in the privacy of my living room with the curtains drawn).

When my oldest daughter started dance at 2 1/2, it was just another activity for her to join and try, along with gymnastics, swimming, soccer, and a multitude of other sports and activities over the years. She sure looked adorable in her tiny tutu too... and what mother doesn't love to dress their children up?

I definitely didn't foresee her acquiring a love for dance that matched my own appreciation of the art.  But it happened, and for that I am truly grateful.  What started as an activity meant to get her out of the house and interacting with other littles her age, has turned into attending a high school of the arts and majoring in dance, and a full line-up of dance classes outside of school hours as well. 

This year has been a particularly important year for my beautiful dancer.  At 15 years old, after suffering through a fractured ankle a few years ago, and dancing despite a fractured elbow this fall, she had the honor of meeting her ballet teacher at Movements (our local dance supply store) in October and purchasing her first pair of pointe shoes.  While she was there trying on shoes I did have my camera with me, but there were people everywhere and I ended up with pictures for her scrapbook but nothing I was thrilled about to show off.

Until now.

I finally have a picture to commemorate her first pair of point shoes... shoes which are just a few months old but showing their wear already.

Someday when she is too old and frail to wear these beautiful symbols of dancers and dreamers, I hope she can get out her childhood photo albums to look back fondly at this picture and remember the hours and hours of work and dedication that has made her such a beautiful dancer.

I am so proud of all your hard work, my girl.  I love you.

Monday, January 7, 2013

iheartfaces photo challenge

What a year 2012 was... so many new experiences and new people! 

I'm joining in with iheartfaces for a photo challenge (it's been a long time since I did this, hope I'm doing this right!) and the theme this week is "Best Face of 2012".  Through all the learning I've done, and people I've met, this image sticks with me as my favourite.

Her sweet, sweet face.
Summer days. 
4 years old. 
Dress up.

Head to iheartfaces for more beautiful faces of 2012...

Photo Challenge Submission

... and I'd love for you to join me on Facebook!